Project: Pendragon’s Heir
Status: COMPLETE — PUBLISHING 10/15/19 from CBAY Books
Word Count: too many (328 pages or about 80,000)
Project: Pendragon’s Legacy (Pendragon Cycle Book 2)
Status: First Draft (try number 3)
Word Count: 4,232
As you may have noticed I had to suspend reporting back on my progress. The truth is, there was too much writing to be done. I finished the final draft of Pendragon’s Heir (multiple rewrites on that one), and started a first draft on the sequel. Over 30,000 words into the sequel, I realized that the pacing was radically off. I wasn’t planning on writing a 120,000 word book (only an 80-90k book like Pendragon’s Heir), but I was only about 25% of the way through the story I wanted to tell. The problem was that I was filling my draft with lots of back story — important stuff for me the author to know, and cool details that I can share once the books are out — but not the most relevant information for the actual story.
To the chopping block the draft went. In the end, I could use basically 3000 words (10% argh!!!) of what I had written. I got to keep chapter 1. Everything else is basically starting from scratch all over again with different dialog, different scenes, different emphasis. Even plot points I had before that I’m keeping are being presented in a radically different manner. I’m basically starting from scratch.
What this means is that I have a lot of catching up to do writing-wise if the sequel will be out next-next fall (in 2020). Mission Briefings may be sporadic again.
I’ll report back as I’m able.
Keep covert reading.
Just finished Pendragon’s Heir – loved it! Looking forward to the sequel and any backstory you might care to provide!