The Expendables
By Alison Ingleby
Not too far into the future, Britain is isolated and trying to deal with the ever present problems caused by climate change. Huge swaths of London have flooded, and the city has been divided by the prosperous, genetically enhanced people living inside the Wall and everyone else. Aleesha has spent her life growing up Outside, where life is hard, and hers even harder since she’s not one of the legally sanctioned births allowed under the various populations controls present throughout society. Trey on the other hand has lived Inside the Wall in a life of relative ease and comfort. When his position in society is compromised, Trey is forced to flee outside the Wall where their two lives collide.
This book takes on a number of social issues that are pertinent in this day like prejudice, class inequality, governmental ethics, and addiction without forcing the ideas. Instead, the reader is allowed to draw their own conclusions along with Trey and Aleesha as they explore the darker sides of their reality. Filled with action and suspense, this thriller is great for older teens and adults with a fondness for hard hitting YA. I would recommend this book for anyone who enjoyed the various dystopias like Divergent.