Mission Briefing: 6/25/19
As you may have noticed I had to suspend reporting back on my progress. The truth is, there was too much writing to be done. I finished the final draft of Pendragon’s Heir (multiple rewrites on that one), and started a first draft on the sequel.

Some heroes are made. Others are born. Elaine is both. Elaine Taylor has the stereotypical American suburban life: a stay-at-home mom, an accountant dad, a normal start to her junior year of high school. Sure, sometimes images pop into Elaine’s head—images that stay...

Mission Briefing: 9/7/18
Project: A Harmless Ride and a Dangerous Bride (Companion Short Story) Status: First Draft Word Count: 5,655 Project: Pendragon's Heir Status: First Draft COMPLETE Word Count: 54,892 Project: Covert Magic Status: First Draft Word Count: 17,671 Current Chapters on...

Two Things Today
Two things are happening here today. One here at Covert Reads and the other over at Covert Kids. First up, I want to share my news. The Sneak Peek for A HARMLESS LIE AND A DANGEROUS SPY is part of the Timeless Romance Giveaway over at InstaFreebie. Not only can you...

Meet the Characters from A Harmless Lie and a Dangerous Spy
A Harmless Lie and a Dangerous Spy comes out in three weeks! So, today seems like a good day to introduce all of the characters. There's a little bit of everything: spies, aristocracy, and their servants. Here are some of the main characters: Lady Caroline The...

Mission Briefing: 5/5/18
Project: A Harmless Lie and a Dangerous Spy Status: Proof Stages, PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE NOW Word Count: 52,737 Project: A Harmless Ride and a Dangerous Bride (Companion Short Story) Status: First Draft, ongoing Word Count: 4,382 FOR AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Production...

Mission Briefing: 3/30/18
Project: A Harmless Lie and a Dangerous Spy Status: First Draft, COMPLETE Word Count: 52,737 Project: A Harmless Ride and a Dangerous Bride (Companion Short Story) Status: First Draft Word Count: 4,382 FOR AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY I am pleased to report mission...

Covert Recommendation: A Study in Charlotte
There are a countless number of reworkings of the Holmes/Watson duo originally created by Doyle. Some are reimaginings of the classic tales, others like The Beekeeper’s Apprentice take place after the Doyle stories end. This book though is set in our modern times with descendants of the Holmes and Watson families.